One Day At A Time
Every day is a chance to make your business stronger
I’m returning to my regular rhythm and routine tomorrow. Maybe you are, too.
If you’re like me, it’s easy to get swept up in the energy of starting #allthethings and #doingitall at once. But my intention for this new year is to pace myself, to give things the time and space they need to grow and blossom.
The longer I’ve been in business, the more apparent it is to me just how slow things actually move.
While everything might feel urgent and high priority right now, the truth is that the vast majority of things will take their good, sweet time to come to fruition no matter how much anxious energy I put into them.
I think that one of the reasons we fail to create sustainable systems and dependable rhythms in our businesses is that we’re constantly trying to shake things up.
We end up working at a frenetic pace on a project that’s “the answer” instead of slowing down to gently adapt what we’ve got into something that produces better results.
When that project that was supposed to be “the answer” peters out or disappoints, we move on to the next one, and the one after that.
All the while, there’s something really good and valuable at work in the business — if only we’d give it the time to mature. We could look at each day as a chance to make something in the business work a little more smoothly, a little more sustainably, a little more effectively.
Each day is a chance to make our businesses stronger.
How would you approach this week differently if your intention was to take it just one day at a time?